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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Psalm 34 ~ Taste and see that YHVH is good!

"Oh taste and see that YHVH/the LORD is good. Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. Oh fear the LORD, you his holy ones, For there is no lack with those who fear him." vs. 8-9

"Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But YHVH/the LORD delivers him out of them all." vs. 19

I was up early this morning because after He spoke this Psalm to me, I couldn't remain in bed until I had read it and meditated on it. My husband asked me what it meant to me, and I said, "YHVH is good. We need to look for YHVH's provision, even if it's not what we expect to see."  

The scriptures don't tell us that living for Him will be easy, but they do tell us that He is good. He doesn't say we won't face adversity, but that He is good, and He will provide for us. I want to look for His provisions knowing that He will provide, and that it might not (probably won't!) be in the manner I expect. So why expect a certain outcome? If we believe that YHVH/God is Sovereign Supreme, why not let Him provide in the manner that He sees fit?

Shalom, shalom.

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