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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Week 2 ~ Day 3 - Growing Through Prayer

Growing Through Prayer (A 'Loving God Greatly' Bible Study)

January 20, 2016
Week 2 ~ Day 3

Read: Acts 9:40
SOAP: Acts 9:40

“Kefa put them all out, kneeled down and prayed.  Turning to the body, he said, “Tavita, get up!”  She opened her eyes, and when she saw Kefa, she sat up.”

Kefa/Rock/Peter sent all those who were mourning, lamenting, etc. out of the room.  It may have been because they already believed her to be dead, and that would have caused doubt to be in the room, I don’t know.  But I do think that by sending them all out, the raising wasn’t made to be a spectacle.  He was following the example that Yeshua had set, when He was raising up the daughter of Ya’ir/Jairus in Luke 8; the people were ridiculing Yeshua, and he put them outside, took her hand and said, “Child, arise!”

Thinking back to yesterday’s revelation, about receiving instructions from YHVH when in prayer, my mind starts to surmise – did Kefa order Tavita to get up because he knew that YHVH would make her rise up?  Was that the instruction He received from Abba while in prayer, to raise her up by the power of Yeshua? 

It also stands out to me that earlier in the same chapter, he was garnering attention for other actions, such as the man who was bedridden.  Kefa didn’t command him by his own authority, but by the authority of Yeshua HaMashiach/Jesus the Messiah, so even though he didn’t say to the body of Tavita/Dorcas, “in Yeshua’s name!” because he prayed beforehand, it is only by YHVH’s command and Yeshua’s power that it happened.

Abba, I pray that I would be so bold and trusting and believing as Kefa!  He who had set out to capture Your people became one of Your people, and did mighty works in Your name.  Abba, forgive my unbelief when You tell me of things that seem beyond my understanding.  Forgive my doubts!  To realize that I could have been amongst those who were put out of the room for my disbelief is humbling, Father.  Help me to always believe YOU, always be strong in YOUR word, and not be a disbelieving, unrighteous partaker.  Help me to discern between YOUR word and YOUR works rather than MAN’S word and MAN’S works.  Thank You, my King, and my Savior, for your love, your glory, and your Ruach HaKodesh/Holy Spirit, that we are able to abide in You, and You in us.  Abba, I pray that when we are called to do mighty works in Your Son’s name, by Your power, that we will do so with not even a trace of unbelief, so that You will be glorified, for all to see and believe on the goodness of YHVH Elohim.  In Yeshua’s name, Amein.


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