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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Week 2 ~ Day 2 - Growing Through Prayer

Growing Through Prayer (A 'Loving God Greatly' Bible Study)

January 19, 2016
Week 2 ~ Day 2

Read: Mark 1:35 & Mathew 14:23
SOAP: Mark 1:35

January 19, 2016
Week 2 ~ Day 2

Read: Mark 1:35 & Mathew 14:23
SOAP: Mark 1:35


This has always been a struggle for me, rising early.  I’ve been a night owl for as long as I can ever remember.  My husband gave me some excellent advice – instead of doing what I usually do late at night (read, surf FB or the internet, fold laundry or other quiet household tasks, etc.), get alone with the Father and pray.  Let it be my 3rd or 4th watch offering (depending on time, because I’m not up as late as 3AM! Lol)

Image comes from

Through Yeshua's example, my husband sets a great example to me in this aspect.  When Abba wakes him up in the night, he leaves our room, gets alone, and gives our Father His offering.  In the meantime, I’ve often just gotten into bed, laid my hand on him, and have just prayed over him and our boys before falling asleep.  Sometimes I wonder if that could be Father’s way of keeping us praying during the watch hours.  Only He can answer that. 

In Proverbs 31, it always stands out to me that “She rises also while it is yet night, Gives food to her household, And portions for her servant girls.”  While it is yet night, meaning while it’s still dark, and also translated as “protective shadow”.  But she doesn’t just rise while it’s dark, she is productive in her time! She gives food to her household, and a portion for her girls, those are her maid servants or female attendants.  (Sidenote here – the word for that is na’arah, and is also my crockpot’s name.  My appliances are my help maidens, and all have their own names.)  The (appointed) portions she gives her maid servants are their tasks for the day.  Her day begins early.  Mine, because it ends late, doesn’t begin as early as just before dawn.  I am asking the Father to work on me in this area, because I have struggled with this for YEARS. 

I would love to follow the example that Messiah Yeshua set for us, in rising early, to get alone with the Father and pray to him.  To receive Abba’s instructions for the day!  I get it!  I finally get it!!! If it wasn’t too hard for Yeshua, in fact it was GOOD for him to do so, then why am I so stuck in my own ways to be in Yah’s ways???  Why must I kick against the pricks when He has told me to do this?!?  He has even given me a schedule, yet I falter.  The example of Yeshua getting alone with the Father… in the night/early morning wasn’t just to be there because He couldn’t sleep – it was to hear from the Father, and to submit to Him.  Just as the Proverbs 31 woman rose early to feed her household and to give tasks to her ladies, so does YHVH want to feed us (in His Word) and give us our instructions.

Abba, You are so awesome!  We sometimes say You are Yah-some!  Father, forgive me my reluctance and my insubordination.  I desire to follow after the instructions You’ve given me, and yet almost every night I fail.  Oh Abba, let tonight begin the observance of  the schedule You’ve given me, so that I will follow after the pattern of the beloved Mashiach, the Messiah, Yeshua, when He left where He was, got alone, and attended to You.  Thank You, Abba, for helping me to finally see it!  HalleluYah!!!  In Your Son Yeshua’s name, Amein.

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