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Thursday, January 28, 2016

Week 3 ~ Day 4


January 28, 2016
Week 3 ~ Day 4

Read: Hebrews 13:15
SOAP: Hebrews 13:15


Through who??  YESHUA!  Jesus!  Through Yeshua, let’s offer up a sacrifice of praise ~ an offering!  A free gift, which is likened to an offered sacrifice.  There’s this one song that, man, everytime I hear it, I cry tears of joy, pain, and tears of rejoicing and overcoming.  It’s called “From the inside out”.  For me, it is often the epitome of a sacrifice to praise YHVH because it takes something from me to get through it. 

Before my grandpa passed away, I used to stay with him one night a week.  He had been living with Parkinson’s disease, and everyone but him knew he was suffering from the debilitating disease.  We would talk about a lot of things on those nights, although it was increasingly difficult for him to form his words and get his thoughts out. 

One night he began to apologize to me for raising his voice to me.  (I later thought he might have confused me with either my mom or my grandma. Or remembered a time in my late teens when I did something despicable – not gonna put it out there.)  I said, “Papa, out of the people who have ever been in my life, you are probably the only person who has NEVER yelled at me… even if I deserved it.”  He began to tell me about the difference he could see in me from my childhood, teen years, young adulthood, etc.  (Long story short is that if you ever want to know how YHVH and Yeshua changed my life, please ask me!)

I told him that I had finally found my purpose in life, and that is to serve my King, and my Savior.

I shared with him the lyrics to this song.  I sang them to him, and told him that one of my greatest pleasures is worshiping the Creator.

A thousand times I've failed

Still your mercy remains
Should I stumble again
Still I'm caught in your grace
Everlasting, your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending, your glory goes beyond all fame

Your will above all else
My purpose remains
The art of losing myself in bringing you praise
Everlasting, your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending, your glory goes beyond all fame

My heart and my soul
I give you control
Consume me from the inside out Lord
Let justice and praise
Become my embrace
To love you from the inside out

Everlasting, your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending, your glory goes beyond all fame
And the cry of my heart is to bring you praise
From the inside out
Lord my soul cries out

Days after his death, I was cleaning the kitchen, and this same song came on.  I wanted to shut down; I wanted to curl up in the fetal position in a corner and cry till I passed out.  Instead, I stood there praising Abba even when I cried so hard that my voice couldn’t come through.  Still I worshiped!  This song still brings me back to that night with Papa, and still brings the tearful worship, and I am so thankful that there is the assurance that my Papa is with the King in glory, and no longer captive in the body that was giving up on him.

The same word that is used for sacrifice in this verse is used in Psalm 107:22 “Let them offer the sacrifices of thanksgiving, and declare his works with singing”, and in Philippians 2:17 “Yes, and if I am poured out on the sacrifice and service of your faith, I rejoice, and rejoice with you all.”  The sacrifice – the fruit of the lips: in the work of exciting, nourishing, increasing our faith, as if in providing a sacrifice to be offered to YHVH.  He is not asking us to make a sin offering of a bull, or lamb, or turtledoves!  He is not asking us to stoke the fire of the altar for burnt offering!  He is asking us to give of OURSELVES!  To Him, our King!
Some days I feel empty, and feel that there is nothing in me to give Him, or at least nothing worthy.  Sometimes I am able to push through that, and be like the widow’s mite, and give my King all that I have, even if it is miniscule.  And then there are days that I feel so empty, depleted, or whatever, and I allow that to keep me from entering into His presence, even though I know He will not leave me empty of HIM.  That is what I become empty of is my King.  It’s not being empty of Elizabeth that keeps me from coming to Him.  There should be nothing that stands between my King and me or my Messiah and me – nothing situational, emotional, physical, verbal… Nothing. 

Baruch ata YHVH Eloheinu!!!  Blessed be YHVH Eloheinu!
Mi shebeirach avoteinu

M'kor hab'rachah l'imoteinu
May the Source of strength who blessed the ones before us,
help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing.
Mi shebeirach imoteinu

M'kor hab'rachah laavoteinu.
Bless those in need of healing, with r'fuah sh'leimah,
the renewal of body, the renewal of spirit. 
I lift up the petitions of my sisters and friends to You, knowing that You are able to do mighty works!
Abba, let us not grow weary in our praises of You!  Let the fruits of the Spirit be evident in our lives, from our thoughts, to the fruit of our lips, to the fruit of our actions.  Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  Empty me of Elizabeth, and fill me with all that is pleasing to You, that my offerings will be a pleasing aroma to You.  In Yeshua’s name, Amein.

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