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Friday, January 29, 2016

Week 3 ~ Day 5

Growing Through Prayer (A 'Loving God Greatly' Bible Study)

January 29, 2016
Week 3 ~ Day 5

Read: Psalm 140
SOAP: Psalm 140:9-11

“As for the head of those who surround me, Let the mischief of their own lips cover them. Let burning coals fall on them. Let them be thrown into the fire, Into miry pits, from where they never rise. An evil speaker won't be established in the eretz. Evil will hunt the violent man to overthrow him.”

I had to go to the LGG blog to gain some insight here, and I was so glad that I did!  I learned a new word: imprecatory.  I even had to look up the pronunciation!  That’s exciting for me!  (Seriously! J )  Jen (of Love God Greatly) said, "What are imprecatory prayers? Animprecatory prayer is a calling down of judgement or curse against one’senemies or those who are enemies of God."

I am so thankful for this insight.  King David was not asking YHVH to smite people down or punish them because he was angry with them, or because they differed in opinion or belief on a particular topic (not salvationally related).  He wasn’t ‘taking things personally’ as we, or at least I sometimes do.  If you didn’t already know this about me, I have this characteristic trait that is called empathetic, and am also highly sensitive (yes, it’s a real thing).  I sometimes take things too personally.  But I don’t pray and ask my Abba YHVH to rain hellfire and damnation upon people because of my sensitivities.  Neither did King David.  These types of prayers were for (as Jen blogged) ‘great injustices, not trivial matters’.
These types of prayers, to be transparent, are a type that I tend to not lean toward.  I do not like confrontation, and these feel confrontational to me.  I go directly into fight or flight, if possible.  But I also understand where David is coming from.  This is not a matter of feeling personally attacked. When I see and hear of believers being persecuted for HIS name’s sake, I want to ask the Father to swallow them up!  But, just as David acknowledges, it is not by my might, but YHVH’s.  I have no ability to make those things happen, but I petition Abba and then leave the entire matter in His hands, which are right-ruling.  I trust in HIS judgment, and in HIS justice.  Vengeance is HIS.  Oh, what a relief!  There have been times (probably too many to count!) that I would have certainly made the wrong call if it were up to me!  What a blessing that we can petition our Father, and leave it in HIS capable hands to handle how HE sees fit.

This verse stands out to me “Let them be thrown into the fire, Into miry pits, from where they never rise.”  It makes me think of how He brings us OUT of the miry clay!  Out of a place where we cannot stand on our own, nor get out on our own!  A slippery slope, if you will.  And not only does He pull us out of it, but He places our feet on solid rock, and gives us a firm place to stand.  What had to be done, though?  He had to ‘cry out to YHVH’ so that Abba could ‘hear his cry’.  He had to (we have to) cry “uncle” (remember that game?).  I had to admit that I was unable, and faulty in my thinking, my actions, my beliefs, etc., and I had to admit that I AM NOT ELOHIM, and then I had to trust in Him that He would save me.  It seems that if one were to pray and ask YHVH to put their enemies into a place where they never rise, it would put them in a situation where they (the enemies), too, would have to realize the situation they are in, and call out to the one who can save them!  It is still possible!
As long as there is breath in the body, there is opportunity.  Don’t wait to be overtaken by the muck, the mire, the circumstance that you are in before you call out to Him.  The slippery slope of uncertainty never becomes less slippery, and any foothold you find will be temporary.  Cry out to YHVH/God in the name of Yeshua/Jesus so that you can be pulled OUT of the miry clay!  Allow Him to place your feet on the Rock, and feel the certainty of salvation beneath your feet; the firm place to stand. 

Oh, HalleluYah!  Abba, You are so kodesh, so holy, and You are glory!  I thank You, Father, that You are faithful and good, and righteous and right-ruling!  You allow me to see myself through Your eyes as I search Your word, and You show me where I bring You glory, and where I don’t – and You change me!  Father, I repent and ask You to forgive me for every unrighteous prayer I have ever thought, and have ever uttered.  I repent and ask that You would forgive me for the follies of my immaturity, and I thank You and I praise You for not allowing things to go the way that I asked in those circumstances.  Abba, teach me when to fight, when to flight, and how to be Your Light in all situations, regardless.  I seek Your wisdom, Abba, and I bless You, my King.  In Yeshua’s name, I pray that these words and meditations are acceptable to You, and that they will be a blessing to You.  Amein.

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