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Monday, February 1, 2016

Week 4 ~ Day 1


Week 4 ~ Day 1

February 1, 2016
Week 4 ~ Day 1

Read: Psalm 62
SOAP: Psalm 62:8

“Trust in him at all times, you people.  Pour out your heart before him.  YHVH is a refuge for us.  Selah.”

Trust - בָּטַח batach: to confide in YHVH; to set one’s hope and confidence upon YHVH

In him at allכֹּל kol: literally, all

Timesעֵת `eth: at every time, at every season

You peopleעַם `am:

Pour out -  שָׁפַךְ shaphak: in one definition, it can also mean “to shed blood”; to pour out one’s soul; metaphorically “I am poured out like water” Psalm 22:14 – Messiah bearing our sins vicariously; to pour out one’s soul; To send forth; as, to pour out words, prayers or sighs; to pour out the heart or soul.

Your heart - לֵבָב lebab: central point of the blood – the seat of life, the seat of the senses, affections, and emotions of the mind

Before- פָּנִים paniym: face of YHVH

Him - אֱלֹהִים 'elohiym:

Is a refuge for us - מַחֲסֶה machaceh: the person to whom one flees

Selah - סֶלֶה celah: to be silent, silence; marks a short pause in singing the words of a psalm so the singer would be silent, while instrumental music continues

This passage is so rich!  I’m looking at the word break-down, and getting blown away.  If I were a hash-tagger, I’d be all like #BlownAway.  Looking at the first word, trust, I am diving in head-first here!  I set my hope and confidence (my TRUST) in YHVH Elohim/God

Confide: to commit to the charge of, with a belief in the fidelity of the person entrusted; to deliver into possession of another, with assurance of safe keeping, or good management

This is an admission to myself, and my Elohim/God that I am not in charge, and that I turn it over to Him for HIS possession, and HIS good management.  I can’t speak for anyone else, but I sometimes bungle things up.  My emotions get ahold of me, or my thoughts, and next thing you know… Well, every single time I give it to Abba, I begin to realize that it doesn’t matter how I think it should be, or the direction something should go… I wait upon Elohim to see what HE will do.  He takes possession of the petitions, and then applies HIS good judgment. 

The heart is such a symbolic organ, isn’t it?  I envision love, life, even the spikes on an EKG printout.  The heart is the supplier of blood for the rest of the body – everything that is life-giving.  Without it, there’s no way the other organs could function.

“In Hebrew, the heart (levav/lebab)is the center of human thought and spiritual life. We tend to think that theheart refers mainly to our emotions, but in Hebrew it refers to one’s mind andthoughts as well.” (Listening to the Language of the Bible – Hearing It ThroughJesus’ Ears by Lois Tverberg with Bruce Okkema pp. 61-62)

Pour out your heart” requests of us such a bold vulnerability that you can only do with one you TRULY trust.  Many believers who have ever experienced worry, loss, grief, anger, love, desire, whether great or minor, and have called upon Elohim has understanding of this “pouring out”.  It’s emptying oneself of themselves.  Psalm 22:14 says “I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint” using the same word for poured out.  The Gesenuis’ Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon defines that as a description of a man who cannot arise from weakness [Messiah bearing our sins vicariously].  When we pour our hearts and ourselves out to Abba, we become spent, and we no longer hold on to the things that we have entrusted to our Beloved. 

As I went to Abba in prayer, I asked Him to show me this verse in a way I could easily understand and use as an example.  He showed me a vessel that has been emptied, in this case a glass.  

Once it is empty, it is ready to be re-filled, so I take it to the source of what I’m looking for, in this case a water pump or a faucet (living water!).   Once the vessel has been filled, it is once again ready to be poured out.  Fill, pour out, repeat.  Sometimes we have to empty ourselves of the things we are storing up, and other times we are emptying our hearts and minds of the prayer requests and petitions we’ve been asked to appeal to Abba for, and other times He has filled us and it’s now time to pour HIM out to those He sends us to.    We have to be conscious of WHO and WHAT we turn to as our ‘source’.  YHVH, Yeshua, Holy Spirit is the WHO and His WORD is the WHAT.  Everything else is a faulty source.  (I know from experience, and don’t think I am alone in that.)  Could you imagine if you took your vessel to the TV, or Facebook, or the club, or a concert to be renewed?  What would it be filled with?  Even the things we think of as ‘not so bad’ can’t fill us in the way that HE can.  He IS the Source!

If I go to my husband and pour out the things that are on my mind and in my heart, it's not a 'bad' thing, but my husband can't fix those things.  If I go to YHVH and pour out the things that are on my mind and in my heart, it's a very different outcome!

Abba, mighty Elohim, healer of our hearts and minds, forgiver of our transgressions, comforter of our souls, fill me with Your living water time and time again!  When I am full of me, I empty myself to You, and when I am full of You, I overflow and pour out to those You send me to.  I pray that I will always shema Your instructions - hear Your instructions clearly, Abba, and obey them.  Hear and do!  Abba, I am reminded once again that YOU alone are the giver of life, and the one true source of all that is good!  As I pour out myself to You, fill me up with more and more of You til I overflow!  My cup runneth over!  As Messiah poured Himself out to You, and then yielded to You, let me follow His example in all circumstances.  In Yeshua’s name, I thank You and I bless You, my King.  Amein.

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