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Sunday, May 1, 2016

Would you?

Can I share something personal with y'all..? I know I'm not the first person to lose a friend who was a sister to me. I know I'm not the first person to go through these emotions, and unfortunately, won't be the last. Part of a prayer I offered up to Abba the night before her memorial was me telling Him (Adonai/God) that I know I'm sometimes unfaithful to Him (maybe not in the most obvious ways of unfaithfulness, but nonetheless), but I praised Him for HIS faithfulness, for HIS goodness, and for HIS mercies. I asked Him to strengthen us as we go through this time, and He is answering in His mighty ways. 
He doesn't turn back the clocks, or rewind time, or erase sadness and mourning, but He does heal the broken hearts, He does comfort the mourners, and He does allow people to be changed through circumstances like these. Would you be changed by Him? Would you be healed by Him? I choose yes! Change me, Abba, into Your image and likeness!

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