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Friday, April 29, 2016


So tomorrow... There are some tomorrows that we look forward to.. and some that, well, not so much. And to be more specific, it's not that we don't look forward to "tomorrow" - it's actually a particular something we don't look forward to that *happens* "tomorrow". Earlier this week, I looked forward to a tomorrow, because I would get to spend time with one of my dearest friends and her kids. (I was even texting her with the "Tomorrow" lyrics from Annie!) Two weeks ago, I looked forward to a tomorrow where I got to spend time with a family of our friends.

Tomorrow, however... Tomorrow's tomorrow is very different. I will have to lay one of my bestest and longest friends to rest. It is *not* something I look forward to (I kind of dread it, to be truthful). I thought we would be at least 112 before one of us had to lose the other. That would have been 101 years of friendship. Instead, we only got 25 years. I'm thankful for those 25 years. I trust in Adonai that through this tragedy, He is working. I trust Adonai that He is seeing those who love her through this. I trust Adonai with my whole heart, and that He is protecting and preserving her children, and that He is comforting her family, her friends, her loved ones, as they/we grieve.

Don't take your tomorrows for granted. Live each day for Adonai, the King, and don't take tomorrow for granted.

"Therefore, do not have a LEV ROGEZ (troubled heart) (DEVARIM 28:65) for tomorrow, for makhar (tomorrow) will care for itself. Each day has enough tzoros of its own." - Matthew 6:34

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