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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Ecclesiastes: Week Four ~ Day One

April 11, 2016
Week 4, Day 1

Read: Ecclesiastes 5:1-7
SOAP: Ecclesiastes 5:4-5

“When you vow a vow to YHVH, don’t defer to pay it; for He has no pleasure in fools.  Pay that which you vow.  It is better that you should not vow, than that you should vow and not pay.”

I will tell y’all: this passage is stomping on my toes big time.  

Vow נָדַר nadar/נֶדֶר neder: to promise voluntarily to do or to give any thing; a promise
Pay: to perform, make good; to be in a covenant of peace
Defer: delay, tarry à don’t procrastinate; don’t slack
No delight: YHVH has no pleasure/delight in (the words/vows of) fools
Fools: impiety; stupid or silly
Better: good thing

Okay, so vow.  Oh my.  How often do we say “I will” or “I can”, or commit ourselves to things, sometimes haphazardly..?  How many of us, when we took our wedding vows repeated the officiant, saying, “I promise/I will love, honor, cherish my spouse”…  Our words have weight, and meaning.  In this verse, it’s not taking a vow in the sight of YHVH, but making a vow TO YHVH.  Now on to payment.

“Defer not to pay it.”  So when I was in college, I took out a student loan.  Only one, and boy howdy, am I glad it was just one!  It took me a long time to pay that thing off!  But little by little, I did.  (HalleuYah!)  At one point, even though we had the money for the monthly payment, I wasn’t making it.  Long story, short, we had moved and changed banks, and I forgot to change the stored payment information.  Imagine my surprise when my loan went into default!  They were close to some serious steps (like tapping into our bank account), because of my mistake.  Thankfully, it was figured out, I got back on the payment plan, etc., etc., etc.  So when scripture says, “Don’t defer to pay it”, it’s a nice way of saying, “Quit procrastinating – make good on that vow!”  Don’t wait to do it, especially if it’s in your power to do.

Yeshua told this parable: “A man had two sons, and he came to the first, and said, 'Son, go work today in my vineyard.' He answered, 'I will not,' but afterward he changed his mind, and went. He came to the second, and said the same thing. He answered, 'I go, sir,' but he didn't go. Which of the two did the will of his father?" They said to him, "The first." Yeshua said to them, "Most assuredly I tell you that the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering into the Kingdom of God before you. For Yochanan came to you in the way of righteousness, and you didn't believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes believed him. When you saw it, you didn't even repent afterward, that you might believe him.”

What does this have to do with vows?  One son had vowed to do the work, but didn’t.  His words sounded good, but his actions didn’t follow.  The other son said he wouldn’t, but chose to be obedient instead.  One was more pious/reverent to Abba, whereas the other was showing impiety/irreverence for Abba (which leads us to foolishness).

This scripture says, “He has no pleasure in fools.”  OUCH.  That ‘no delight’ is no joke.  The Hebrew word chephets means ‘a valuable thing’.
Add in the “no”, and it’s saying when we speak empty or vain words (or empty vows) to our Elohim/God, our words are not valuable to YHVH. 

As I searched out the word for better, I realized that even in Genesis 1:4 (as well as like like 597 other times in the Bible) it is used as good.  As in, “Elohim saw the light, and it was good.”  This made me think of an old rhyme: ‘Good, better, best.  Never let it rest, till your good gets better, and your better gets best.”  Abba doesn’t look at it, or see it, the way we do, like there are degrees of good.  No, He says it’s either good (tov) or it’s not good.

Again, this passage today was incredible.  I got more out of it than I can even put into coherent words, because I’ve been meditating on it all day.   Abba revealed to me that a lot of my vows come from a place of wanting to help, and sometimes not being able to.  That was nicely put, but not so nice considering there are still broken vows.  Oh, I am so SO glad that YHVH is not a vow-breaker, nor a vain vow-maker!!!
 My husband is reading a book on being careful of what we speak, how we speak, etc., so it was neat to talk about what Abba was revealing to me with my beloved groom. 

This last week has been awful.  Having lost one of my dearest and bestest of friends, came close to losing another close friend the same day that my best friend died… I found I was speaking a lot, and I mean a LOT of my own words, regarding pain, sorrow, sadness, grief, you name it.  I listened to this beautiful worship song today, where the lyrics spoke of how, when the heart cries, only God hears it, and when the heart stops crying, the soul cries out to Him.  And in the midst of this beautifully sorrowful song, she is praising YHVH!  And in that moment, Abba ministered directly to me.  I’ll post the song if anyone’s interested in hearing it. <3


Abba, oh Abba.  You are so mighty and excellent.  I cling to You once again, and I praise You and I thank You for who You are.  I ask Your forgiveness for every empty vow, every vain word, even every vain thought I’ve had, those that I can remember and those that I can’t.  I accept Your correction in this area of my life where I have fallen short, and it is a painful correction for me.  Help me curb my tongue, and better yet, guide my heart so that the things that flow out of it are of You, and not of me, for You are worthy and good! I thank You, Abba, for Your constant and consistent faithfulness, and that Your word does not return to You void! I pray that as I ask Your forgiveness, others will forgive me as well.  In Yeshua’s name, Amein.

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