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Friday, February 5, 2016

Week 4 ~ Day 4


February 4, 2016
Week 4 ~ Day 4

Read: Mark 11:23-24
SOAP: Mark 11:24

“Therefore I tell you, all things whatever you pray and ask for, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them.”

Believe.  Abba has really been working this out in my heart, in my spirit, and in my life lately.  He is causing me to delve deeper and deeper into believing in Him, and what it means in my relationship with Him.  Asking Him, petitioning Him, praising Him… and BELIEVING Him.  Expecting or hoping with confidence!  Resting our conclusions upon YHVH’s strength!  Yielding of my will and affections, accompanied with a humble reliance on Messiah for salvation!  Abba has shown me some areas where I’ve prayed, but couldn’t truthfully say that I believed that He would do what I asked.. Not because I asked, but because He is able! Why do I shoot myself in the foot, or even worse, limit His abilities with doubt?  Reflecting back on the passage of the other day, this ties in with the understanding that I gained of needing to have faith like a child to enter into His kingdom.  Believing.  Not putting Abba into a box made of my own limited understanding.  Not constricting Him based on my own failures.  I’m having such a hard time putting words to what He’s showing me!  We often expect things/attitudes/etc. from others based on (or according to) what we’ve been exposed to previously.  (If I were to be really transparent here, I’d have to admit that I’ve limited my Heavenly Father based on the faulty relationship I had (kinda didn’t have) with my earthly father.  Abba is forgiving, and I have repented of this, and I continue to teshuvah – turn back to HIM.)

Believing that I will receive what I pray and ask Him for.  Expecting, hoping with confidence that we will receive what we pray and ask Him for.  Yielding MY will to the will of Abba.  HIS kingdom come; HIS will be done.  He is a mighty El! 

The Greek word for believe in this verse is one that I won’t try to pronounce out loud (it’s quite literally ‘Greek’ to me, lol), but is πιστεύω pisteuō.  In Hebrew, the same word is אָמַן 'aman, meaning to have no confidence for one’s life; to not have faith in one’s own life; to stand FIRM and STILL.  I can’t go into this right now, because He’s not allowing me at this time.


singing – What a mighty Yah we serve!  What a mighty Yah we serve!  Angels bow before Him, Heaven and earth adore Him!  What a mighty Yah we serve!

                                                                      Abba, You are so incredible!   There is none like You, in all the universe!  Thank You, Abba, for not holding my closed-mindedness against me when You reveal it to me; thank You for Your forgiveness!!!  Thank You for giving me hope, and a future, and for teaching me how to fully rely on You.  Thank You for the ability and the opportunity to BELIEVE in You and on You!  Thank You for the hope that I will see not only my children’s lives glorifying You, but my children’s children! Thank You that even if I haven’t yet met my future daughters in love, that I may have hope that they are already living for You!  That they will love You more than they will love my sons, and that my grandchildren will be taught Your Word.  Thank You for healing wounds, and removing emotional scar tissue.  Thank You for your patience, and diligence, and loveliness, for your righteousness.  Thank You for speaking to me today, even though my mind has been all over the place, and I pray, Abba, that although I don’t feel that I have been able to convey the lessons which You’ve spoken to me, You will still be able to speak to someone else through my ramblings.  In Yeshua’s name, Amein!

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