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Thursday, February 4, 2016

Week 4 ~ Day 3


February 3, 2016
Week 4 ~ Day 3

Read: Luke 18:1-7
SOAP: Luke 18:1, 7
“He also spoke a parable to them that they must always pray, and not give up”; “Wont Elohim avenge his elect, who are crying out to him day and night, and yet he exercises patience with them?”

Avenge: bring about justice; punish a wrongdoing with the intent of seeing justice done
Persistence in prayer is important.  Yeshua said, “Listen to what the unrighteous judge says.”  The judge defended the widow so she would not wear him out, or weary him with her continual coming before him, yet Abba does not grow weary with us, or of us; He exercises patience with us. 

Verse 7 asks a question: “Won’t Elohim avenge his elect?”  Verse 8 gives the answer: “I tell you that he will avenge them quickly. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the eretz?"

Pray without ceasing, continually pray… And without worrying that it’s an annoyance to Abba.  He exercises patience with me that I sometimes lack with my own children.  My 15 year old has a brain that soaks up information like a sponge, and can tell it back word for word (and often does!).  My 11 year old is a fact-finder, and has a seemingly never-ending supply of questions.  Both are highly inquisitive.  Sometimes it overwhelms me!  Seriously!  I sometimes wonder if their minds ever stop churning, or if their debates will ever cease, if their arguments will come to a halt, even if they will always think they need me to mediate between them, especially over things we’ve already mediated!
Thankfully, our constant prayers do not overwhelm Abba YHVH; as we can see in His word, He WANTS us to come before him continually!  He WANTS Yeshua to mediate on our behalf!  I am grateful for this Father who doesn’t see me as an irritation, or a distraction, but loves me and is patient with me.

Abba, I pray that I will act out patience before my family at all times, and in all circumstances.  It’s hard to ask for patience, because in order to learn patience, we must go through trials that test our limits of patience!  Even today, while I’m meditating on this verse, You are teaching me patience.  The homeschool, the housework, the office manager aspect of our business, the cook… the mom, the wife…  dealing with a chronic physical pain… it is ALL trying to take a toll on me.  A few times, it has almost rung my bell, to be sure!  It has taken the rejection of an invitation to a pity party (guest of honor – me; hostess- me; person who rejected it – my Abba!), a time of lying back down in bed talking with You, some quiet time, and a whole slew of other meditation opportunities to even be able to get up and do what needs doing today.  But You are my strength when I am weak, my fortress when I need refuge.  I asked you recently if I would always have to deal with this pain, and You answered, “Patience.”  I didn’t ask for clarification.  Tribulation worketh patience.  The trying of our faith worketh patience.  So I understand that You are trying my faith, just as I am trying it when I come before You continually.  Thank You, Abba, for not turning Your back on me, even when I’m being a nuisance.  Thank You for loving me when I am at my most unlovable.  Thank You for being here every time I come before You!  In Yeshua’s name, Amein.

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