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Monday, January 25, 2016

Week 3 ~ Day 1 - Growing Through Prayer


January 25, 2016
Week 3 ~ Day 1
“A praise psalm by David. I will exalt you, my God, the King. I will praise your name forever and ever.  Every day I will praise you. I will extol your name forever and ever.  Great is YHVH, and greatly to be praised! His greatness is unsearchable.”

This particular psalm is an acrostic, meaning that each verse begins with a letter of the Hebrew alefbet (alphabet), with the exception of nun.  It’s possible it was left out during transcribing long ago, but all I know about it is that it’s not there. (Psalm 145 is an acrostic psalm.  This link can help gain some insight, as well as this one, about the Biblical Hebrew alefbet.)

Verse 3, “Great is YHVH, and greatly to be praised! His greatness is unsearchable.” 

Greatness: magnificence, majesty of YHVH à mighty acts – dignity,

great things, majesty

Unsearchable: that cannot be searched or explored; inscrutable; hidden; mysterious

Not only is he to be greatly praised, but through out the generations (vs 4)! There are so many mentions of the generations in the Bible, and how a father (and mother) are supposed to pass on the Word of YHVH.  Although I was raised in a particular denomination, it is not one that my husband and I are raising in our sons in; rather we are raising them in the scriptures without denomination or other affiliation.  There are things we are still learning, and teaching our sons, as we are taught by the word of YHVH.  

During the time of Pesach/Passover something that always stands out to me is the statute to pass the telling on throughout the generations.  “And this day shall be unto you for a memorial; and ye shall keep it a feast to the LORD throughout your generations; ye shall keep it a feast by an ordinance for ever.” Exodus12:14.  It is the same word for generation as used in Psalm 145.  Then verse 26 says, “It will happen, when your children ask you, 'What do you mean by this service?'”  This is where the telling of how it came to be comes in, which is the story of  the Exodus from Mitzrayim/Egypt, in this case.  In my personal life story and telling of deliverance, my children learn of the follies of some of my choices that I made before I chose Yeshua as my Messiah,
and the praises of how 
He brought me out of the

This along with “I will declare thy greatness” in verse 6b makes me think about praise reports.  How encouraging it is to hear praise reports of how YHVH has healed, delivered, comforted, loved, etc.!  While some may see it as bragging (yes, we’ve actually been told that), that is not supposed to be the purpose or outcome.  When YHVH takes my breath away with His majesty, and His right-ruling, and He allows me to share it, then I share it!  (But there are also things that He says, “No, don’t share this publicly”, and therefore I don’t.)

His greatness is unsearchable!  How frustratingly wonderful that is!  Frustrating because I am one who wants to investigate and learn more.. I like to know the why’s, the what’s, etc., yet His greatness goes beyond all that I could ever imagine!  He is like an unexplored underwater cavern whose depth is un-knowable, and the vastness of it will never be discerned – it goes on and on!  I’m a visual person, and as I was typing this out, He was showing me this cave.  We might catch a glimpse, might know that it’s there, but are unable to fully explore, or fully know all that is encompassed by it.  

Abba Yah, Gadol Elohai!  How great You are!  Father, forgive me for trying to fit Your majesty into a box!  You are not to be scrutinized, nor put on display for the purpose of examination!! We are a curious people, Abba, and I pray that we would accept Your glory and sovereignty without trying to analyze You or Your ways.  How many times have we asked You, “Why, Abba?!?”  “Why me?” or “Why not me?”  Abba, search my heart.  You will find that I am lacking without You, and without Yeshua my Messiah, I am nothing.  I am full of frivolities, and I trifle with things of no importance.  I am not a very disciplined person.  In short, I am imperfect.  I fall short of Your glory!  Yet I sing and boast of You, YHVH, my Elohim!  I could point out my every shortcoming, but rather than focus on me, Abba, I focus on YOU!  You are greatly to be praised, and mighty in power!  I pray that it is Your glory that my children will pass on to my grandchildren, and Your Torah that they will guide them in.  I pray that my children will tell of their personal Passover – when You brought them out of bondage and death and into the liberty and life that Messiah offers!  In Yeshua’s name, I bless You, my King!  Amein.

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