Growing Through Prayer (A 'Loving God Greatly' Bible Study)
January 13,
Week 1 ~ Day 3
Read: Jeremiah 10:6-7
SOAP: vs. 6-7

S: “There is none like you, YHVH; you are great, and your name is great in might. Who should not fear you Melek of the nations? For to you does it appertain; because among all the nations, and in all their royal estate, there is none like you."
So my word breakdown is as such (since I learn best by doing this):
“There is none/no one like you, YHVH: none, nought in comparison
to/according as YHVH, our God/Creator, you are of great magnitude and extent,
distinguished, important,
your name
is great in might-celebrated. Who should not reverence/stand in awe/honor/respect you, KING
of the nations? For to you does it pertain
to/befit; because among all the nations, and in all their royal estate,
there is none/no one like
you, YHVH: none, nought in comparison to/according as YHVH, our God/Creator.”
There is no comparison to YHVH/God. It makes me think of some of the realty shows
I like to watch on HGTV (can’t watch them often because I get sucked in like a
riptide!), but they’ll show a homeowner/buyer a “comp” house – one that is
similar in many ways to their own – to show what other buyers will be looking
for, etc. There is no comp to our
Father! None like him! Even in all the earth, all the nations, all
the tribes, every tongue, there is none like Him. There is no dignitary whose rule or
sovereignty compares to that of YHVH.
As a child, and even parts of my younger
adulthood, I thought that to fear God was like fearing a punishment, and I was
afraid of him. I thought I wasn’t worthy
of him, or his love, and I acted according to that calamitous form of thinking.
I was raised Lutheran, so therefore in 7th
and 8th grades, we went through confirmation class, to confirm the
baptism we had received as infants; it is the way of saying, “Yes, I was
baptized, but now I confirm that this is what I want.” My confirmation verse was Job 28:28 (“The
fear of the LORD, that is wisdom, and to depart from evil is
understanding.”) Boy, oh boy. I memorized the verse, but never truly
understood it for quite some time to come.
The word for fear used in today’s verse (Strong's H3372 - יָרֵא yare' ) is similar to the root word of that used in Job 28:28 (Strong's H3374 - יִרְאָה yir'ah ).
As I grew (and still grow!) in his love and
learned (still learning!) more of his word (and his Word, Yeshua), I learned
that to fear (yare – יָרֵא ) sometimes has more to do with reverence, standing in awe, honor,
and respect of YHVH than it does trembling before Him, awaiting the
smiting. (Sometimes it DOES mean just
that, such as scripture having to do with the Day of Judgment, translated as
‘terrible, dreadful’ in Joel 2:11, 3:4; or others such as 2 Samuel 14:15, 2
Chronicles 32:18, or Nehemiah 6:9, 14,translated as ‘to terrify, put in
fear’). Not that the two are mutually
exclusive, by the way.
P: Abba,
you are so mighty, and I am nothing without You. Father, teach me to dwell in Your presence –
not as I know how to do, but in the way that is befitting of Your glory. Help me learn how to truly reverence You,
discerning whether it is a time of fear and trembling, or honor, respect, and
awe. You deserve the honor, the glory,
the ‘everything’ that is in us to give, Abba, and I ask for your forgiveness
for holding back from you all that is due.
I ask that you would remind me when I spend more time in my books than I
do with you, or more time with Andy Griffith than I do with you, because as
this scripture states, there is no one or thing that compares to your
kevod! Thank you, Abba, for your mercy,
your grace, and your love, and for giving us opportunities like this to teshuva
– to repent and turn back to You, our mighty Elohim. Abba, please bless those reading this prayer,
and those who are in our hearts that stand in need of prayer. We don’t have to know the needs to ask that You would give them answer. In Your Son Yeshua’s name, Amein.

P.S. Looky looky what came in the mail!
My Growing Through Prayer journal!
They also have one for kids, if you were wondering. :)
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