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Thursday, March 3, 2016

Week 8 ~ Day 4


March 3, 2016
Week 8 ~ Day 4

Read: Psalm 18:1-6
SOAP: Psalm 18:6

“In my distress I called on YHVH, And cried to my Elohim. He heard my voice out of his temple, My cry before him came into his ears.”

“YHVH is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer; My Elohim, my rock, in whom I take refuge; My shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower. I call on YHVH, who is worthy to be praised; And I am saved from my enemies.”

This verse is really sticking out to me, and I am singing in my head a song I learned in my youth.  I’ll post it, because you don’t want to hear me singing, lol.

The verse for today’s SOAP – I absolutely love that Abba hears our cries of distress, and in the following verses, He shakes up everything and then delivers David from the hand of his enemies.  It makes me think of a mama bear who goes to get her cub and doesn’t stop to think about getting her child to safety.  That’s how our Abba is.  He is protective of us, and He says Himself that He is a jealous El.

Distress:  distress, affliction

Cry for help: a hallooing, crying

{{ HAL'LOOING, participle present tense Crying out; as a noun, a loud outcry }}

{{HAL'LOO, verb intransitive To cry out; to exclaim with a loud voice; to call to by name, or by the word halloo
Country folks hallooed and hooted after me.
HAL'LOO, verb transitive To encourage with shouts.
Old John hallooes his hounds again.
1. To chase with shouts.
2. To call or shout to.
[This verb is regular, and pronounced with the accent on the first syllable.]
HALLOO', an exclamation, used as a call to invite attention.}}

I have no long words for today, but I praise our Father for who He is!  For what He does!  The cry for help is really making me think of a scene on Mary Poppins, when some of the cartoon characters are fox hunting, and as they see the fox, they cry out, “Yoo Halloo!” (or something like that – in fact I Googled it -  I was wrong, it is ‘view-halloo’).  It’s a way of calling attention to the sighting of the fox, and in this verse, it is a cry for attention from our Father.

Abba, You are the mender of broken hearts, the healer of infirmities, the hearer and answerer of our cries, our pleas, our praise!  I thank You, Abba, that even when we fall out of line, or pull away, You remain the same.  Even when You allow us to go through turmoil, You reach out to us, and hear our cries.  You attend to us and fight for us.  You are our deliverer, our fortress, and our Rock, and our shield!  There is none greater than You, Abba YHVH!  I thank You and praise You, in Yeshua’s name.  Amein.

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