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Monday, February 15, 2016

Week 6 ~ Day 1


February 15, 2016
Week 6 ~ Day 1

Read:  Romans 5:1-2
SOAP: Romans 5:2

“Being therefore justified by faith, we have shalom with Elohim through our Adon Yeshua the Messiah; through whom we also have our access by faith into this grace in which we stand.  We rejoice in hope of the glory of Elohim.”

Through: of him to whom that is due which any one has or has done; by mediation; by means of

Access: Access or approach, like introduction à specifically to YHVH, that friendly relation with Abba whereby we are acceptable to him and have assurance that he is favorably disposed towards us

The peace we have that surpasses all understanding is the peace that we have of our access by faith to Abba.  One way that this makes sense to me is as an Eema/Momma.  If a person came up to me and was speaking to me in a familiar manner, and I didn’t know them, I would have to assume that they had heard of me from someone, but that wouldn’t mean that I knew them.  Now if that same person approached me and said, “Hi Mrs. Smith, I’m so-and-so, your son’s friend,” then I would be more open to speaking to them because of the acquaintance with and mention of my son.  Even better is if my son introduces his friend to me.  He has just become the mediator between his friend and his Eema – the introducer.

Another example that I’ve used with our sons is with a celebrity, or well-known person.  Let’s use Kari Jobe as an example.  If we saw Kari Jobe in a store and ran up to her, she would probably be polite, but wouldn’t know who we are, even though we know who she is.  We might know all about her, where she was born, what she likes, etc. (I’m not a Kari Jobe stalker, just to be clear), but knowing those things ABOUT her isn’t the equivalent of KNOWING her personally. 

That’s where the personal relationship with Yeshua, and with YHVH, comes in.  Yeshua is the mediator between Abba and us.    He is the one who says to Abba, “Here’s my friend/brother/sister ______,” so that when we stand in their presence, we have already been introduced to the King of Glory, and He knows us personally, and by name.  Yeshua won’t say, “Depart from me, you who work lawlessness; I never knew you.”

An addition: Our family observes Pesach/Passover, not as the Hebrews did in Exodus, but because we are told to continue the observation. Last year during the Passover event, the Father led my husband to teach about our personal Passover - when the angel of death passed over US, which is the time that we accepted Yeshua as our Messiah. We were no longer destined for death, but for life in Messiah!

Abba, thank You for sending Your Son Yeshua, the Messiah, to be mediator on our behalf, so that we can rejoice in hope of the glory of You!  Thank You for loving us so much that You found it just to call Him to be a living Torah for us to see, and to love, and for Him to lay down His life for us.  “No greater love hath a man than this, that he lay down his life for his friend.”  And this friend of ours has introduced us to You, my King, and still mediates on our behalf.  Help me to learn more of Your grace, Your mercy, Your shalom, so that I might be able to embrace it more fully in ways that You have yet to reveal.  Help me in my times of disbelief, and speak confirmation where necessary, and denial if needed.  Speak to me plainly, Abba, so that I would have no misunderstanding of Your Word, Your meaning, and Your purpose. 

Abba, I lift up prayers of healing for A.S., D.R., and L.J. right now, and for Mae, and for the young lady up in Garland, and for the ladies of our LGG group and their families, for the leaders of countries and states and cities, for all in positions of leadership and decision-making.  Abba, there are so many prayer requests, petitions, and mediations to be made; yet You know them all.  I lift them to You, and ask You to be righteous in Your ruling, for healing, for comfort, for peace/shalom, for all things; I ask this in faith, so that they/we may rejoice in hope of the glory of our Elohim – so that our boasting would not be in medical professionals (whom You have given incredible abilities, but life and healing are still in Your hands), but our boasting will be always in You.  In Yeshua’s name, I praise You for keeping my husband safe today, and keeping our sons safe.  Amein.


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