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Thursday, February 11, 2016

Week 5 ~ Day 4


February 11, 2016
Week 5 ~ Day 4

Read:  1 Timothy 2:1-3
SOAP: 1 Timothy 2:1-2

“I exhort therefore, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and givings of thanks, be made for all men: for kings and all who are in high places; that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and reverence.”

Praying for others, w/o regard to “station” ~ for ALL men/people, for kings, AND those in high places.  This is sounding to me like praying for those in places of influence, such as our President, Vice President, Ambassadors, Congress-people, bosses, principals, teachers, co-workers, etc.  As the wife of my own husband, I would like to include my husband – he is the head of our household, the Kohen/Priest of our home and family.  “That we may lead a tranquil and quiet life”, not of our own devising, but “in all godliness and reverence”.

I use for almost all of my initial research and looking into.  According to it, in this verse, the word tranquil means the same as quiet, although in Greek they are different words.  Godliness and reverence are the same meaning, and also different words.  One of the things that stands out in the Scriptures is when YHVH repeats His words – repetition is the mother of learning, right? 
Tranquil: quiet
Quiet: undisturbing/undisturbed; peaceable

Godliness: reverence, respect, piety towards YHVH; the doctrine that promotes godliness; the truth that leads to godliness
Reverence: honor, probity, purity (also used in 1 Timothy 3:4 à one who rules his own house having children in subjection with all reverence.

We must pray for those we live with, those we live amongst, those who are in positions of decision-making, such as our government. 

Father, I pray tonight for our President, our Vice President, our Congress, our Legislators, our Ambassadors, and all who represent our country.  I pray also for the leaders of  all other countries, nations, territories, etc., big and small.  I lift up in prayer our family members, friends, loved ones, co-workers, teachers, principals, the people we meet in the grocery store, the people that see us and see Your light, those we come in contact with… all of them and many, many more, and I pray that You would allow them to experience the peace that surpasses all understanding, which comes from knowing Yeshua as Messiah, and from knowing that You are the one true Elohim.
I pray, Abba, that they would accept You as their Elohim, their God, and that they would accept Yeshua, Your only begotten Son, as their Savior, their Messiah.  I pray that You would guide them in their decisions, and that You would receive the glory and honor that is due to You. 

I pray a special prayer for my beloved husband, the kohen/priest of our home, and I ask that You strengthen him even further to do the works that You’ve called him to do – the very tasks that You created him for.  I ask You to forgive me, and our sons, for the times that we have made his calling harder than it need be.  Let us not be like a clanging cymbal, Abba, but like an ornament of grace about his head and Your head, and a gold chain about his neck and Your neck.  I ask that every place that You see in our home, in our lives, in our hearts, that have not been established according to Your blueprint, that You shake it loose, cut it off if need be, and re-order it according to Your purpose.  In Yeshua’s name, Amein.


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