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Monday, January 11, 2016

Week 1 ~ Day 1 - Growing Through Prayer

Growing Through Prayer (A 'Loving God Greatly' Bible Study)

January 11, 2016 

Week 1 ~ Day 1

Read: Acts 2:41-47

S: "They continued steadfastly in the apostles' teaching and fellowship in the breaking of bread, and prayer."  Acts 2:42

O&A: I always like to learn about what words really mean, because sometimes we use words ‘thinking’ we understand what they mean, but in reality, we are using them wrong because they don’t mean what we think they mean (and by 'we' of course I mean 'me', because not everyone has this word challenge, lol).  I changed (for my own understanding) the words to their definitions:

Acts 2:42 - emphasis mine,
to help me better define the passage for my *own* understanding.
 “They {gave constant attention to} the apostles’ |teaching instruction of Yeshua| and [fellowshipped with YHVH/God in an intimate manner to unite them with Him and each other], in the <breaking of the loaves of bread consecrated/set apart to YHVH/God>, and (expressed reverence and adoration for YHVH; addressed prayers to YHVH; asked for something earnestly or humbly).”

One of the things that really stood out to me was the ‘apostles’ teaching’ – it made me ask myself, in my head (rhetorically), “who taught the apostles?”  Well, of course it was Yeshua/Jesus!  And whose instructions was He teaching?  YHVH's/God's instructions!  So they weren’t off teaching their own doctrines, their own beliefs, or even just their own understandings of the Scriptures, etc., no!  They were teaching  the instructions according to what they learned from our master, the Teacher/Rabbi (the ONLY Rabbi, since he said ‘call no man rabbi/teacher’), our Messiah Yeshua/Jesus. 

It also brings to mind the scripture that tells us to ‘pray without ceasing’ (1 Thessalonians 5:17).  When we abide in Him, can we ever step away from Him?  Can a branch choose to leave a tree (where it receives its life) and expect to be re-attached?  Not that I’ve ever seen!  Maybe with the help of a Master Gardener (that would be Yeshua!), but He has to be the one to graft us in; we can’t do it of our own volition.  In that, I see constancy, and reliability, and steadfastness in the life we have with Messiah.  He said if we abide in Him, He will abide in us. (John 15)

P: Abba, Father, our Elohim/God in the shamayim/heavens, hallow Your name, and establish Your rule forever, and rule over us for ever and ever.  Be so established in the hearts of my family, and myself, so that no matter where we go, or what we encounter, we would be steadfast in our abiding in Your True Vine, our Messiah, Yeshua.  Let our fellowship with You be never-ending.  With all of the technological advances of this day and age, Abba, I pray that we would liken our relationship with You to be like the person on the other end of our Bluetooth device – open communication and fellowship with You at ALL times, in all circumstances.  
I pray that we would come to You and tell You all about our day, our troubles, our joys, our worries, our sadness before we come to Facebook, or Twitter, or Instagram – or wherever we broadcast our lives – because You are worthy, and You are the only one who can prune the thorny areas, and cultivate the fruit that is produced in and by our lives.  
I pray that we would not look to man, or pastor, evangelist, or anyone else for how to live, and how to love, and how to walk in Your Torah/law/instructions, but only to our Messiah, Yeshua, and follow in HIS instructions, which were given by You, my Elohim/God.  
Help me to cultivate a better life of prayer that is worthy of Your glory/kavod, and that honors You.  Allow me to sit at the feet of Messiah, and rest in Him, and learn more of Him, and be taught by Him.  I extend this prayer for my husband and sons as well, that you would continue to grow us in Your Word together.    In Your Son Yeshua’s name, Amein.

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