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Monday, February 2, 2015

Daybook for February 2, 2015

Outside my window.. 

The sun is shining brightly against a bleak sky.  I'm always amazed at how the brilliance can shine through even the layers of winter clouds.  It's really cold.  My feet are shivering.  Not really, but I'm sure they want to. :)

I am thinking... 

About my family and how far we've come in our walk with Yah, and with each other.  And how much further we have to go.  But it no longer feels like 'two steps forward, one step back' when things don't go according to "our" plans, but that we just keep going.  Like Dory on Finding Nemo "Just keep swimming..  Swimming, swimming...  :)

I am thankful... 

I am praying... 

  • For my Grandma Carolyn, who shared with me that she broke her wrist, and am so thankful that her daughter Lora is in town with her to help her.  
  • I'm praying for all of our friends and family (sounds broad, but I don't want to put everyone's business out there!).  
  • I'm praying for the Chumney family as they go through this awful situation they've been forced into, and thanking Yah that even in the midst of despair and heartache, and wanting to understand, He's still there, and He is still good.  
  • I'm praying for my Sister whose mother- and father-in-law are going through some health situations, and for strength and endurance for her sister-in-law who is there helping them.  
  • I'm praying for my family as we just honored the 1 year memorial anniversary of my beloved Papa's death. 
  • I am praying for my sister Tammy and her children, and for reconciliation, revival, and stability for all involved.

In the kitchen... 

We are still eating lots of soups, salads, and fresh veggies and fruits.  I'm also avoiding the kitchen for right now because I didn't do the dishes last night, and they are staring me down.  I can feel it through the high counter.

I am wearing... 

An olive green flowy skirt and a kind of maroon-ish t-shirt.  My hair is covered with a pink scarf.  Since it's so cold, I'm also wearing my Papa's electric blanket, although it's not plugged in.  I am thinking that I need to add some thick socks to this outfit to make it more fashionable.

I am creating... 

Well, I'm getting ready to create my menu and shopping list for this week.  I'm learning that one of the best ways to get healthy is by doing what I've always kicked against- planning and preparing.  It's so much easier to face making meals when I already know *WHAT* I'm making, and know that I already *HAVE* what I need to make it.

I am going... 

Grocery shopping later this evening when my beloved comes home from work.  Woo!

I am wondering... 

I am reading... 

Isaiah 53 Explained  More to come on this later, as we have just begun reading it as a family.

I am hoping... 

That my oldest son's science experiment doesn't flop.  I don't think it will, but he has gotten attached to these fish, and is hoping to be able to get a larger tank when the experiment ends and keep Chris, Marty, and Otto longer.  

My boys are talking about getting more fish to add in, and I think that they would really enjoy it, and are at a point of better responsibility to be able to handle it.  I mean, we can take care of our dog, and fish don't take that much work.  The little son wants a guinea pig or hamster.  I want a chinchilla.  But only in theory.  Hm, interesting.  In other words, just because we want something doesn't mean we need it, nor does it mean we want to take on the responsibility of the upkeep.

I am looking forward to... 

Going in to sign a new lease for another couple of months.  I lashed out the last time I wrote on here about the rent price going up, and in the meantime, we came to accept that this is where we are supposed to be for the time being.  I am still working on not typing/speaking out my every thought, especially if it doesn't reflect Yah's disposition.

I am learning... 

How to better care for my family and myself.  I was recently diagnosed with Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), and so now the efforts we were making towards healthy eating has gotten more dramatic (insert a dun-dun-DUNNNNN-) so that this diagnosis can come off of my medical record, out of my body, and out of our family's lineage.  My dad died November 2013 of cirrhosis, so this is a *HUGE* wake-up call to me, for me, and for our sons.  If you want to follow along with us on this journey, I'm keeping up with it daily here Journey To Healthy Living: One Step At A Time.

Around the house... 

We've moved some furniture around, and are getting ready to make a few more changes to really open up our smallish apartment for ministry.  Yah gave me a vision of having people in here worshipping, learning, Bible studying, praying, and especially ministering to His sheep.  So we are being obedient to the call, and preparing our home (His home).

I am pondering... 

I wonder at what Yah's plan and purpose is for my sons.  I see so much growth in our oldest son, and a slower growth in our youngest, and I thank Yah for that verse again, 'that yields its fruit in its season'.  They're not expected to mature at the same rate, age, or even in the same areas.  I'm thankful that my children don't have to live up to anyone's standard but Yah's.  We pray over them that Yah would have His way in their lives, and that they would fulfill the role and purpose that He has for them.  Sometimes that means I have to step back and say, "Not my will, Abba, but Yours."  Okay, almost all of the time I have to do that.

A favorite quote for today... 

One of my favorite things... 

I love talking to my sister on the phone.  One of my favorite things is our usually daily chat, even if it's just for a few minutes to say "Hey!  Lerve ya!"

Another is: My sister Tammy gave me an amaryllis bulb a few months ago.  She told me that around February, it would begin to bloom.  Today is February 2nd, and one of the flowers is beginning to bloom!  "That yields its fruit in its season"  It is amazing to me that even though I planted the bulb in December, we didn't see any change in the bulb until mid January, and then all of a sudden we were seeing inches of growth.  Now it's so large, that I had to re-pot it!

A few plans for the rest of the week... 

Laundry. Dishes. Cooking. Bible study.  Repeat.  Oh, yeah, sleep.

A peek into my day... 

Get a handle on the dishes so they'll stop glaring at me.  We just bought some more laundry detergent yesterday, so time to get a-crackin' on that end.  Keep the little one on his classes.  The older son is at work with his Daddy (so thankful for that boy! he makes his Daddy's work load lighter, and mine, too when he's here with me).  Draw up the menu plan and shopping list.  Stalk my sister.  Just. Keep. Swimming.

1 comment:

  1. Love the amaryllis! Our science fishies are Rory, Mickie, and Danny (reference to Dr. Who). You said the dreaded P words! Planning and preparing! Some day I will be so much better at it than I am. Thanks for sharing!
