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Friday, January 6, 2012

Hello-o-o-o world of blogging!

Okay, so truth be told, this is my first time blogging.  I know, I know- with all the time I spend on Facebook and checking email, that should count, right?  I think so.  Not quite.  Anyway.  All that aside, let the ramblings of my mind begin!

I realized as we ended 2011 and stepped into 2012 that my memory seems to be failing me.  Simple things I should be able to pinpoint in time are lost in my mind.  I've noticed that as I catch up with family and friends that live further away, I'd be telling a story of something that happened (recently, mind you!) and couldn't pinpoint a moment in time as to when the event/s occurred!  Was that in May?  Was it April?  July?  Did it even happen?  (And yes, that is sometimes a question I must ask myself!)  As I've told my mom many times, "I don't know how it got there" (in my head), "but it's there."  So, anyway, back on track, Beth!  I've decided that this would be a fantastic way to not only keep fam & friends in the loop as to the mostly un-exciting things going on in our home and with our family, but also to give my brain a boost.

I'm sure I'll need that boost, by the way.  By way of introduction, my name is Beth.  I'm 32, married to the love of my life whom I will refer to as Mr. Smith, at least for the time being.  Mr. Smith's mom, whom I will call Momma Smith, has recently moved in with us, and I cannot tell you how happy I am that she is here!  We have an awesome relationship, and I know how very blessed I am to have her.  We've got 2 handsome young men in the making- Tater, who is 11 years old, loves reading, Spiderman, science and wants to be a forensic scientist when he grows up, and Dooba, who is 7 years old, loves to do everything his big brother does, paint with glitter glue, and wants to be a veterinarian when he grows up.  As for me, I want to be something cool when I grow up, too. Oh, wait...  That would mean admitting I'm possibly immature, which I'm not admitting, just for the record.  Seriously though, I'm about to begin college (again) to become an L.P.N.  I'm super excited about it.  I'm not quite sure how I'll balance raising two rambunctious boys, keep up with my home and my husband AND get good grades in school.  Looks like it'll take a power beyond my own.  Good thing I've got the Lord to help me.

Looks like it's time for me to skedaddle.. Time to get some not-so-little boys into bed.  Sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite!

Sidenote:  Someday I hope to look over these pages with my husband, sons and maybe their wives (eek!) and be able to remember when...

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