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Monday, September 19, 2016

Updates and ramblings...

So I figure while I'm still at the laundromat, I may as well let y'all know what's been going on (somewhat).  I'll try to do it in a nutshell.

In June 2016, we moved from our 2 bedroom apartment in the city to a 2 bedroom RV in the country!  We traded big buildings, lots of people, etc., etc., etc., for country air, friends as neighbors (our closest neighbor in the apartment is a close friend, also, and boy do we miss them!), and it sometimes feels a little bit like Green Acres, or at least what I remember of the show.  

We've faced some several learning curves (like learning how to empty the black and grey tanks - ask my husband about that!), where to stow extra toilet paper, how to know when you have too much, too little, or just enough of any given thing...  We sold a lot of our stuff when leaving the apartment, and kept quite a bit, as well (in a rented storage room).  Our boys are learning certain values that are harder to teach in the city.  Shucks, so am I!  Oh, and talk about a learning curve - my first home cooked meal in the RV... I threw a breaker.  At that point, we had been there for just a few days, and I said, "Abba!  I'm done!"  Then I realized how petty I sounded, even to myself, and I said to Him, "I'm so sorry.  If that's all it takes for me to give up, then my faith needs strengthening."  And so it has continued.  Little twists and turns, tests of patience, faith, and more.

Our Bible studies have changed a lot.  We don't have internet out on the farm, so my posts are clearly fewer and more far between. I've taken to calling our plot the TeaKettle Ohel (Ohel is a tent of a nomad, dwelling, habitation, the tent of meeting and TeaKettle for something my husband mentioned when we first moved in... it has to do with boiling water, a tea bag, and how what's inside of us comes out when we get put into certain situations; he says it a lot better than I can).  So instead of Googling everything, we're doing ol' skool research, buddy.  We're learning quite a bit more, and I think we're retaining it better, maybe due to the effort of the research, as opposed to the quick answer..?  (I am *NOT* knocking Google, or looking things up on the internet, not by any means.. merely describing my observations)

I find I miss my online friends, being able to catch up through pictures, messages, etc., but it makes face to face visits all the more sweeter.  And... I'm running out of steam.

So let's see if I can get the nutshell going - lots of changes.  Small apartment to smaller RV.  Loving it.  Can't wait to get internet, even though I think we get a lot more done for not having it.  Love watching how my boys are maturing on the farm, and love their interactions with our neighbors/friends.  I think that's all for now...

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