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Monday, March 28, 2016

Ecclesiastes: Week Two ~ Day One

March 28, 2016
Week 2, Day 1

Read: Ecclesiastes 2:12-17
SOAP: Ecclesiastes 2:12-13

"I turned myself to consider wisdom, madness, and folly: for what can the king's successor do? Just that which has been done long ago. Then I saw that wisdom excels folly, as far as light excels darkness."

wisdom - various learning, skill, shrewdness, prudence
madness - madness, folly
folly - folly, foolishness, silliness (want of understanding)
prudence - wisdom applied to practice

Wisdom EXCELS folly and light EXCELS darkness. The greater is of YHVH, and He overcomes! The blog post asked this question: "Where in the details of your life have you left YHVH out of the equation?"

So often, we try to be in control of every aspect of our lives, and we fight Him to be in control. In those areas, it's clear when I submit to His authority, and when I struggle to relinquish my desire (need) to call the shots.

Wisdom is greater than foolishness. It excels - over and above - everything we can hope for, because Abba is wisdom. Just as His light dispels darkness, His wisdom overcomes our (my) folly.

Noah Webster's dictionary defined prudence as: wisdom applied to practice. It implies more caution & reserve than wisdom; is exercised more in foreseeing AND avoiding evil than in devising and executing that which is good.

Brings to mind 1 Corinthians 13, "When I was a child..." Our witness was that of immature measure. More folly, or foolishness, or want of understanding. A few weeks ago, my youngest son was asking me to "trust him" for something. It was like, "If you let me ___ this time, I won't ask again." Well, had this conversation never been had before, I *could* trust. I asked him, "Which should I believe? Your word? or your witness?" I want this life to be a witness of the goodness of my Abba, of His glory, and of the change He brings as I mature in my walk with Him.

I don't want to become embittered by the things of this world, much less people see THAT (the bitterness in me) as the witness I offer for my faith and belief in YHVH! The blog stated that "When YHVH is left out, our wisdom becomes worldly, our witness suffers, and our souls are left longing." I concur.


Abba, reach into the depths of my soul, into my heart, and cast Your light into the murky areas, so that I may be more diligent in giving, especially those areas You illumine, over to You. Abba, I like to be in control TOO MUCH! Help me to trust in You with EVERY area, every aspect, every detail of my life, and help me to submit to Your authority. I pray that Your wisdom will excel my folly, and Your light will excel every and any darkness that is affiliated with my life, with my being, with my witness. I pray the same for my family, so that we can be true worshippers, and true testimonies of Your greatness. In Yeshua's name, Amein.

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